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Read relevant research papers and other publications about appearance-related mental health issues here
Psychology of Hair Loss Patients and Importance of Counselling
Lakshyajit Dhami
December 2021
Psychological Screening, Hair Loss
Evaluation of Body Dysmorphic Disorder in Hair Loss Patients and Benefit After Hair Transplant
Dr Rajendrasingh Rajput
January 20215
BDD, Hair Loss
Childhood Maltreatment and Trauma is Common and Severe in Body
Dysmorphic Disorder
Amy Malcolm, Toni D Pikoos, Sally A Grace, David J Castle, Susan L Rossell
August 2021
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Screening Tools for the Dermatologist: A Systematic Review
Melissa Danesh, BS, Kourosh Beroukhim, BS, Catherine Nguyen BS, Ethan Levin MD, John Koo MD
February 2015
Psychological Screening
Ageism and Health in Patients Undergoing Cosmetic Procedures
Rebecca L Pearl, PhD, Ivona Percec, MD, PhD
October 2018
Aging, Mental Health
Nonsurgical Management of Facial Masculinisation and Feminisation
Mona Ascha, MD, Marco A Swanson, BS, Jonathan P Massie, MD, Morgan W Evans, MD, Christopher Chambers, MD, Brian A Ginsberg, MD, James Gatherwright, MD, Thomas Satterwhite, MD, Shane D Morrison, MD, Alexander J Gougoutas, MD
October 2018
Recognition of the Patient Unsuitable for Aesthetic Surgery
Mark Gorney, MD
December 2007
Psychological Screening
The Measurable Cost of Complications for Outpatient Cosmetic Surgery in Patients With Mental Health Diagnoses
Sunishka M. Wimalawansa, MD, MBA, Justin P. Fox, MD, MHS, R. Michael Johnson, MD
February 2014
Mental Health
The Impact of Aesthetic Surgery on Body Image and its Implications for Mental and Physical Health
Carlo M. Oranges, MD; Kristin M. Schaefer, BS; Martin Haug, MD; and
Dirk J. Schaefer, MD
March 2016
Mental Health
The Routine Psychological Screening of Cosmetic Surgery Patients
Nicole Paraskeva, MSc, Alex Clarke, DPsych, Nichola Rumsey, PhD
November 2014
Psychological Screening
Evidence-based Review: Screening BDD in Aesthetic Clinical Settings
Ines Novo Pereira LMD, MSc, Rashmi Chattopadhyay BChD, MSc, Sean Fitzpatrick MD, MSc, Sheila Nguyen BSc, BDS, MSc, Haidar Hassan DDS, MSc, PhD
October 2022
BDD, Psychological Screening
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